Friday, June 6, 2008

Celebrities giving a green thumbs up

New York magazine reports that Leonardo DiCaprio has bought an eco-friendly apartment in a glass tower condo with solar powered energy in New York, owns a hybrid car, and makes documentaries relating to preserving the environment.

Daryl Hannah drives a bio-diesel El Camino powered by vegetable oil – she allegedly says her car whiffs of French fries.

Another go-green celeb is Tommy Shaw who was snapped filling up the Styx tour bus with bio-diesel in Greenville, South Carolina.,,

Kate Hudson is partnering with celebrity hair stylist, David Babaii, to create an all natural hair care line. The line, David Babaii for WildAid, is going to be free of sulfates, paragons, animal products and animal testing. On top of that, 10 percent of the proceeds will go to a Wildlife conservation organization
ecorazzi ,

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